====== Volunteer Listing & Instructions 2019 ====== We need any and all volunteers. We are always low in aid station volunteers, cleanup people, and pre-event trail marking. ===== How to sign up ===== Email [[nyeates1@umbc.edu]] to signup for any of the below jobs. You can also search for me on Facebook as Nick Yeates. ===== Key ===== * X = Verified and reliable * O = Need to reverify, but reliable * ? = Unsure if coming, but maybe; need to verify * ! = Can put anywhere * FIXME = Need to fill this spot * **bold** = Lead vol, have met and given directions in-person * __underline__ = Lead vol, have not met in-person * FB = FaceBook friend ===== RD ===== * Director - X **Nick Yeates** * Director Stand-in - X! **Jim Yeates**, X **James Butler**, X **Sue Yeates** ===== Flagging / Signing ===== * Flagging Team 1 Lead - O __Elizabeth Blom Schultz__ (fb) * Flagging Team 2 Lead - O __Elizabeth Blom Schultz__ (fb) * Flagging Team 3 Lead - O __Karl Barrus__ * Flagging Team 4 Lead - ? __Stephen Hord__ (fb) * Flagging Banditos - Laura Holland (fb) fri morn til 12, Kendra Irwin (fb) Fri doesnt know trails, Gretchen Fri ===== Aid Stations ===== * Aid station 1 Lead - X __Simon Crisp__, Supplying own people * Aid station 2 Lead - X **Chad Epler**, ? Chad is filling these spots * Aid station 3 Lead - X **Gary Winczel**, Supplying own people * Aid station coordinator / setup - Nick * HAM Radio Operator Lead - * 4-way stop - Not this year * Buzzards Rock - Not this year * Ridge Trail - Not this year ===== Sweepers ===== * Pre-sweeper - FIXME, FIXME, FIXME (last year: Christie GS (fb), Bev (friend), ? Jesse Tubb) * Sweeper - Not needed * Deflaggers - Laura Holland (fb) Local, Elizabeth Blom Schultz, FIXME ===== Start / Finish ===== * Event Setup AM - FIXME * Registration - NOT NEEDED * Self-Report Tent - James, Chrissy, Sue, Bella * Volunteer Directions - Send to Nick, or Jim * Shirt handling / sales - X **Sue Yeates**, Chrissy * Timer 1 - X __James B__ * Timer 2 - X Chrissie * Finish Line Helper - Aid 1 people * Grillpeople - * Food Serving / Setup - * Trash bags and patrolling - * Floater - * Event Cleanup PM - FIXME, FIXME * Entertainment / Sound - X Nick * Marshaling (at start of race) - X Jim Yeates * Parking coordinator - * Masseuse - none this year * Kids Table - X __Bella Yeates__, X Daniel * Driver 1 - X **Jim Lay** * Driver 2 - * People pickup - * Ice Man - X Jim Lay ===== Other ===== * Fri Vol Party - Nick, Dad, Sue, Mom * Beer - * Bus Crowder / Parking Nazi (get people on buses) - * 1hr Vol Trail Promotion - Nick * Graphics (shirt, logo) - Nick * Expressed Interest 2020: * ====== Position Descriptions ====== ===== Flagging and Signing ===== The course needs to be marked with Signs and Flags so that runners can follow the course. There are ~100 signs (at most trail intersections) and it takes many hours, even days to sign and flag. The course is divided into four (4) sections of trail, each being 4 miles in length. * Start/Finish (S/F) - Aid Station 1 (AS1) * AS1 - AS2 * AS2 - AS3 * AS3 - S/F We assign 1 person to LEAD each section. It is now their duty to mark that section of the trail. They are responsible. Whether they do it all, or they call on some of the BANDITOS. The BANDITOS are a pool of trail marking people who have shown interest to help the LEADS. Nick gathers these peoples names, phone numbers, and email addresses. The week before the race, Nick sends out emails to all of these BANDITOS and LEADS and suggests that the leads grab a few BANDITOS for help. Often, a lead will email out saying "I am headed out on Thur after 4, if anyone wants to join, call me at..." * Intersections (where any two trails merge) are likely candidates for a sign * Signs are stapled into trees at the most visible point * Sometimes, signs need to be more visible * In the middle of the trail, use a supplied wooden stake, pound it into the ground (need a hammer with you) in the middle of the trail (do not block trail), and then staple the sign to it * Pink Surveyors tape is used as confidence markers on trees * Roughly Every 500-1000 ft * Before and after turns * No longer than 6 inches Signs and tape go up the week prior to the race (5-7 days). Most of it should be done on the prior 2 days. We break the course into 4 chunks of 4 miles each. - Shelter 105 to hilton area, - hilton to swinging bridge, - swinging bridge to landing rd, and - landing to start/finish (shelter 105). See here for map: http://mdheatrace.com/_media/heatcourseosm2016.png ===== Sweepers ===== Sweepers are there to assure that all race participants are accounted for and safe. Straggling runners often need encouragement and help. Additionally, Sweepers should have one or two people focused on deflagging the course. * Sweepers need to leave AFTER last 50k person is accounted for on their first loop * 50k runners are cut-off at around 12-noon * STILL, wait for all runners to come in * We had a case where one came in late and we didn't know it and kept going on after the sweepers had already left * Communicate with HAM Radio people, Nick, and his Dad Jim to see if all runners have come in * Remove ribbons and signs * Having a spacious backpack is essential to holding lots of ribbons * Stash wooden signs in discreet greenery, near exits that can be driven to at a later point * Inform someone where these are located so we can get to the trash * Cell phone with decent reception is recommended. * Make multiple texts and calls to Nick or others to inform of progress ===== Deflaggers ===== Deflaggers will leave along with the Sweeper from the start/finish at 12 noon and run the course. One or preferably two deflaggers will be removing flags and pickets (wood stakes with sign on it). You'll need: gloves, scissors or knife, three large trash bags in addition to your regular trail running kit. The gloves for removing flags that have been tied to thorn bushes. The scissors are to cut away the knotted flags. The idea is to fill a trash bag while carrying the pickets to the next aid station where you can drop them off. It's a gradual process of some running and a lot of walking. Count on arriving back at the finish line in 5 hours or more depending on the slowest runner. Deflaggers and sweeper need to stay behind the last runner. ===== Food serving / setup ===== You will help to setup the food area and then serve food to the buffet. Setup involves moving tables and eating area around, setup chafing dishes and Sternos, put out serving dishes and eating utensils. Once food is to be served you will place foods out when they become ready and assure everyone see's all their options and that foods stay warm. ===== Finish-line helper===== At first, there is a midway aid station that runners will pass at the start/finish line. Help the aid station lead to keep PB&Js out, drinks replenished, etc. Keep runners cooled off, ask them what they need, refill their packs, answer their questions. Once finishers begin to finish the race (after ~12 noon) shift to helping out these finishers. Assure that the timers get their bib#, cut them a popsicle from our dry ice cooler (careful, dry ice can burn you), and show them the water-pump to cool off.